Remembrance Day 2024 is approaching. Details will be made available in the fall.
Remembrance Day 2022The Merrickville Legion is truly humbled and grateful for all the support from everyone onRemembrance Day. WOW a record crowd in attendance at the Cenotaph. We are truly thankful foreveryone’s attendance and financial support towards the Poppy Campaign. A special thank-you to thosethat worked behind the scenes to make everything come together.We may […]
100th Anniversary of the Poppy
The Poppy was adopted as Legion’s Flower of Remembrance on July 5,1921. The remembrance poppy is an artificial flower worn to commemorate those who died for their Country. Veteran’s associations exchange poppies for charitable donations used to give financial, social and emotional support to members and veterans of the Armed Forces. It is a visual […]
Merrickville/Wolford Does Remember
WOW we are a small community but mighty! The Merrickville Legion truly thanks everyone that supported the 2020 Remembrance Day and Poppy Campaign. Those that attended the Cenotaph on Nov.11, social distanced and wore masks. Thank-you to Village staff for blocking off the street and allowing us a larger, safer area for everyone. We hope […]
Remembrance Day Nov. 11th – “We will remember them”
Comrades, here are the highlights of the remembrance activities. More details may be found in the North Grenville Times October 21 edition in the article by comrade Rose Lamingman. Remembrance Day will have a different look this year. There will be no parade, we will have a limited ceremony at the Cenotaph, wreaths will be pre […]