Welcome to the Merrickville Legion Website

The Legion is a ‘not for profit’ organization whose primary mission is to provide support and assistance to Veterans and their families as well as serving or former serving members of the military, all members of the police services and the community. Founded in 1925, the Legion is Canada’s largest veteran support and community service organization. The organization reaches across Canada as well as branches in the U.S., and Europe. With close to 250,000 members, many of whom volunteer an extraordinary amount of time to their branches, our strength is in our numbers.
Check out the “Upcoming Events“ for 2025.
For reservations or hall rentals please contact Mary Horning (Bookings Chair) 613 269 3234 or via merrickvilleontariolegion245@gmail.com Two large TV screens as well as one projection screen available for presentations.
To contact the branch the telephone # is 613-269-3338, however, the phone is NOT monitored so it is best to send an email to the above email address.
PHOTO GALLERY (Yes…Still undergoing some repairs but progress is being made…well maybe)
NEWS/EVENTS (Updated as of January 2025)
Also check out the following web addresses for Legion & Community News
CREDIT/DEBIT available for bar purchases
Quick Announcements & News
Congratulations go to Branden Schroeder & Lee-Anne Pritchard on placing 3rd in the Doubles at the Zone Mixed Darts. They will go to the District level in May.
The Legion has purchased two large screen TVs for the Clubroom and upstairs. We hope to put them to use in the New Year maybe Super Bowl watching, with more to come. We will keep you posted as to what we are doing.
President Lee Horning fixed one of the Merrickville Day Cares strollers and noticed that it needed replacing so the Legion has provided the funding for them to purchase a NEW 4-seater stroller.
The Legion provides a free venue for many other organizations and groups. The Historical Society, Merrickville Artists Guild, and the Photo Club have monthly lectures and meetings at the Legion. We have hosted many Celebrations of Life at the Legion that are free of charge, but we do gladly accept donations if possible.
Our TGIF supper and dances are every other Friday night. Supper is served at 6pm and the Dance
starts at 7pm with a live band. You are welcome to come to both or just supper or just the dance but
please contact Mary Horning at 613-269-3234 if coming for the supper. Check out our Facebook page or
our website for more details and info.
Upcoming Events
TGIF – Dinner&Dance $26 – Dinner only $20 – Dance only $10 – Everyone welcome
January 2025 Events
Jan 31 Legion Dinner and Dance Dance @ 6:00pm. Chicken Breasts/Legs, potatoes, veggies, dessert, tea/coffee. Music by “Doug and Pam Champagne” 7pm to 10pm (Contact Mary Horning to reserve 613-269-3234)
February 2025 Events
Feb 14 Legion Dinner and Dance @6pm. Meatloaf, potatoes, veggies, dessert, tea/coffee. Music by “Tim and Terry” 7:00 – 10:00pm (Contact Mary Horning to reserve 613-269-3234
Feb 15 Social Saturday at the Legion 1 to 4 pm Jamie and Friends
Feb 20 Seniors Lunch 11am to 1pm Lunch served @ noon
Feb 28 Legion Dinner and Dance @6pm. Pasta Night, Garlic bread, , dessert, tea/coffee. Music by “Good N Country” 7:00 – 10:00pm (Contact Mary Horning to reserve 613-269-3234)
Weekly Events
Monday’s – Euchre – 7:00pm.
Tuesday’s – Mixed Darts – 7:00pm.
Wednesday’s – Men’s Darts – 7:00 pm.
Did You Know That?
February is Black History Month
February 14 Valentines Day
February 15 National Flag Day of Canada (1965)
February 17 Family Day
February 28 Gulf War ends (1991)
Submitted by Rose Lamingman 1st Vice President